Decemeber 8th, 2021
Veronika Dashkova
I have two degrees. I graduated from the University of York (UK) with an major in ecology and earned a master’s degree in biology at the Nazarbayev University. Currently I work at the Nazarbayev University and I am preparing to defend a Phd thesis on phytoplankton in lakes of Kazakhstan. I often take part in expeditions to Lake Balkhash, the Aral Sea, Lake Borovoye and other places. Annually our team takes water samples in the lakes, brings them to the laboratory and analyses them using special equipment. Based on the results, we publish international academic papers.
I have been engaged in ecology for ten years now. In addition to my work, I do my best to increase environmental awareness. I have learned another profession – environmental coaching –recently. An environmental coach is a person who talks about and teaches how to live an environmentally friendly lifestyle.
“Ecology” originates from a Greek word for “home”, the place we live in. This means that ecology is about protecting our home. We need to understand that nature is not separate from humans, it is a part of us. By damaging the planet we cause harm to ourselves. The planet adapts to any conditions and will survive, while it is questionable if the humankind will.
I always try to explain to others the relationship between people and nature. To feel it, we need to spend more time outdoors, look around and notice what is happening near us. This will help you see environmental problems. If you wish to make the world a better place, you can start small: sort your waste and use less disposable products (plastic bottles and cups). It is crucial, for example, to stop using toxic chemical products and cosmetics. This includes not only products we use for ourselves, but also products we dispose as sewage. These wastes go to the drainage system and further to water bodies from which we take fresh water.
Photographs were provided by Veronika Dashkova
Данный проект реализуется с помощью гранта от Посольства США в Нур-Султане, Казахстан. Мнения, выраженные в материалах, принадлежат их авторам и не обязательно отражают точку зрения Правительства США или Дипломатической Миссии США в Казахстане.